Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about AHSEF benefits and services. If you don't find your question answered, please contact us.
1What is The Aviation High School Education Foundation?
The Aviation High School Education Foundation (AHSEF) is a 501(C)-3 Not-for-Profit organization created to maintain the relationship of alumni to Aviation Career and Technical Education High School
(“Aviation High School”) and to fellow alumni through written and other communications, social, academic, and other events.
2Why Join the The Aviation High School Education Foundation (AHSEF)?
The AHSEF was formed to promote camaraderie, networking, and service opportunities amongst our alumni. An active alumni network allows Aviation High School to benefit from the skills and expertise of our graduates by offering their support to current students, to the school, and to one another. Alumni can play an important role in voluntary programs such as mentoring current students in their area of expertise by sharing their experience and best practices in the field of aviation. The Alumni Association also provides an enjoyable way for graduates who attended the school in the same class to reconnect and share their post-graduate experiences with one another.
3What are some of the benefits of AHSEF Membership?
Meet new people, forge new connections and relationships at alumni events throughout the year. Utilize career related resources to assist you on your career path in the aviation, before, and after graduation. Receive invitations to receptions, special events and activities.
4Does AHSEF Offer Scholarships or Awards?
Deserving AHSEF members receive recognition for noteworthy achievements and support of the High School through distinguished alumni awards and scholarships.